Interactive gallery
Interactive gallery is a photography exhibition in which the audience is invited to explore the images by moving their hands, as if shedding light on a wall using a flashlight. In this video, the position of the hands is shown on top-right right corner for illustration purposes, but it is not part of the installation. The installation was built using Kinect and Javascript.
The Shining
Interactive panel. #p5.js #javascript #canvas
You are not.
Interactive panel.
A data visualization poster created from Spotify API data and Nodebox. Source available in Github
Orbital Challenge: coding challenge flerting with 3D visualization.

This sketch is the 3D visualization of a routing challenge. Tap SOLVE button to show the solution. Tap anywhere to hide/show the planet.

"Create an algorithm that can route phone calls through space across a network of satellites [...]. No signal can travel through Earth!" © Reaktor 2016.
Candlelight, 1
Fiberglass, sketch
Fiberglass, sketch
Candlelight, 2
Caleidoscope, 2
A audio-reactive visualization. Video has loud audio!OpenFrameworks and C++.